AOSOS Search

Case Management & Job Matching

AOSOS brings true multi-agency and multi-program capabilities to workforce professionals. From intake, referrals and eligibility through job matching, service planning and delivery, AOSOS manages the interactions between workforce professionals, job seekers, employers and service providers. Powerful search features, correspondence, appointment scheduling and automated reminders give employment counselors the tools they need to get the job done. Need a new data screen for a new program?  Add it overnight with zero IT costs using AOSOS!

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Self Service

The AOSOS JobZone application offers powerful self-service tools to job seekers.  Search and apply for jobs, track your work search activities and interact with your counselor or live support.  Build or upload your resumes, letters, reference lists and more.  Assess your interests, abilities, work values, work styles and employability. Explore careers, training and colleges. Optional integration with Burning Glass’ Focus Career adds sophisticated natural language capabilities to resume building and job searches. AOSOS CareerZone provides structured features to student career explorers, professional educators and young adults.

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AOSOS Reporting


AOSOS produces the US DOL / ETA-mandated reports including the federal validation and submission files.  Define breakouts and filters to slice and dice the federal reports. Search for customers by report cell participation or submission file characteristics. AOSOS also includes local management reporting and a flexible query builder. Do you like ReportLink or FutureWorks? We do too – integration is built in.

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Contact us for more information or to request a demonstration:

America’s OSOS Service Center
Building 12
Harriman State Office Campus
Albany, NY 12240

Contact us by e-mail at: