AOSOS is designed to be flexible, open and highly extensible, meeting a broad variety of state and local needs. AOSOS Flexible Data Screens empower states to deploy full-featured, fully integrated screens to capture a virtually unlimited number of new data elements. Each Flexible Data Screen is fully functional and fully integrated with the rest of the application and comes complete with audit data, print options, and user documentation.
- Can be set up anywhere in the application
- Full range of edits and cross edits
- Searchable data fields
- Configurable system-generated reminders
- All input types supported, such as drop downs and checkboxes
- Custom value lists for drop downs
- State and local control
- Overnight implementation
- Zero IT costs
- Streamline program and reporting workflow
- Program outcomes tracking
- Robust security at WIB, agency and office levels
Easy to Setup and Maintain
- Simple administration screens
- Can be modified as your needs evolve
- Copy existing field definitions
- Supporting documentation and training
Easy to use
- Fully integrated with core AOSOS application
- Seamless look and feel
- Complete with user help documentation
With the AOSOS Flexible Data Screens feature, states can define a broad set of characteristic and outcome data fields to support all of its programs and local partners. This enables the state to achieve truly universal case management within its larger one-stop vision – all with one integrated solution. AOSOS empowers you to meet and exceed ever increasing system delivery expectations, with zero additional IT costs.
Set-up and Control
To make Flexible Data Screen set-up simple, AOSOS provides all necessary screens to guide the set up process. You define the fields needed, their edits and business rules. You can add, change or delete values from drop-down lists, or re-use value lists from other screens. You can even copy field definitions from existing AOSOS screens into new screens. Flexible Data Screens can also be set up to display view-only data from higher level screens. So a Flexible Data Screen which gathers local outcomes for a program can show the participation and exit dates from the enrollment.
Once Flexible Data Screens are defined, the application generates all necessary data tables and software components, including help screens, based on the rules set up by the administrator. As your needs evolve, you can add or remove fields, or change the edits and business rules.
Since Flexible Data Screens are fully securable to the WIB, agency and/or office levels, any sensitive program information can be protected while retaining a comprehensive view of the customer’s experience.
AOSOS Flexible Data Screens are efficient, effective and powerful. This breakthrough feature is absolutely unique, enabling you to quickly and confidently respond to evolving federal, state and local needs. They are easy to set-up and easy to modify. They are fully integrated, full-featured, searchable and secure. You can deploy entirely new screens overnight with zero IT costs. Flexible Data Screens empower you to support the specific and unique data requirements of your state, WIBs and partners – right at your desktop.