AOSOS produces the US DOL / ETA-mandated reports including the federal validation and submission files. Define breakouts and filters to slice and dice the federal reports. Search for customers by report cell participation or submission file characteristics. AOSOS also includes local management reporting and a flexible query builder. Do you like DART or FutureWorks? We do too – integration is built in.

Federal Reporting Capabilities

  • Labor Exchange
    • ETA9002A, 9002B, 9002C, 9002D, 9002E, VETS 200A, VETS 200B, VETS 200C
  • Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
    • WIA Annual, WIA Quarterly, WIASRD
    • TAPR Extract
  • Worker Profiling
    • ETA 9048
  • DART v5.2
    • WIA and ES extracts

State and Local Management Reporting Capabilities

  • Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
    • WIA Quarterly by WIB

Note: The AOSOS Consortium is in the process of designing new State and Local Management Reports!

State Generated Reporting Capabilities

Each State has been developing special customized reports to meet their user’s needs.

Reporting Sample Screens

Click on the image above to view sample screens from the Reporting application – 7 images